Measurement of angle [Module 1]

Learn and Learn Academy


Class 11th Mathematics 

Measurement of angle [Module 1]

 Que1. Convert the following in to radian :

a) 60o                        b) 20o30’          c) 62o30’        d) 5o37’30’’         e) 520o 

Que2. Convert the folloing in to Degree :

a) 2 radian                 b) 22 radian      c) `\left(\frac{11}{16}\right)` d) –3 radian    e) 6 radian

Que3.  The radius of a circle is 40 cm. Find the angle subtend by an arc of 22 cm at the centre of circle in degrees.

Que4.  The length of minute hand of a clock is 35 cm. What distance will its tip cover in 12 minutes?

Que5. The large hand of a clock is 42 cm long. How much distance does its extremity move in 20 minutes?

Que6.  Find the angle between the large hand and small hand of a clock at time 8:20.

Que7.  Find the radius of a circle in which an arc of 37.4 cm subtends an angle of 60° at the centre.

Que8.  If the arcs of same length in two circles subtends 30° and 45° angles respectively at the centre of two given circles. Find the ratio of their radii.

Que9. The angles of a triangle are in A.P. The ratio of the smallest angle in grades and largest angle in radian is `40:\pi` Find all angles of the triangle in degrees.

Que10.  A wheel makes 180 resolutions in one minute. Through how many radius does it turn in 1 sec ?

Que11. A wheel rotates making 20 revolutions per second. If the radius of the wheel is 35 cm, what linear distance does a point of its rim travel in three minutes?

Que13.  The angles of a triangle are in A.P. The ratio of the number of degrees in the least angle to the number of radians in the largest angle is `60:\pi` . Find all angles of triangle in degrees.

Que14. The distance between earth and moon is 360000 km. The diameter of the moon subtends an angle 31' at the eye of a person on the earth. Find the diameter of the moon.

Que15. A driver moves at a speed of 36 km/hr in a circle of radius 200 m. Find the angle in degree moved by the driver in 6 sec.

Que16. The interior angles of a polygon are in A.P. The smallest angle is `\left(\frac{2\pi}3\right)` difference is 5°. Find the number of sides in the polygon.


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